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As we stood at the chancel-rail I am afraid that the congregation, largely augmented, by this time, by late-comers for the doctor had spread the news through the village far and wide thought me but a very pale and quiet bridegroom. But the bride's beauty made amends for all. Just the same soft white dress of the afternoon or was it one like it? with no ornaments, no bridal veil.

Coombes was not sitting on the bell-keys, where I looked for her first, for the wind blew down the tower in many currents and draughts how it did roar up there as if the louvres had been a windsail to catch the wind and send it down to ventilate the church! she was sitting at the foot of the chancel-rail, with her stocking as usual.

Profound obeisances were made towards the altar; the hymn was ended; the choristers took their places; and one of the priests, on arriving in front of the chancel-rail, began the intoning of the Litany. Morning Prayer had been said at an earlier hour.

We recognize the fact outwardly in the buildings erected to celebrate its worship. Not among the Jews alone was the holy of holies kept veiled, to temper the divine radiance to man's benighted understanding. Nor is the chancel-rail of Christianity the sole survivor of the more exclusive barriers of olden times, even in the Western world.

Colonel Ferrari rose from his place and moved up to the chancel-rail, beckoning to the other officers to accompany him. When the Mass was finished, and the Host had been placed behind the crystal shield in the processional sun, the celebrant and his ministers retired to the sacristy to change their vestments, and a little buzz of whispered conversation broke out through the church.

As we stood at the chancel-rail I am afraid that the congregation, largely augmented, by this time, by late-comers for the doctor had spread the news through the village far and wide thought me but a very pale and quiet bridegroom. But the bride's beauty made amends for all. Just the same soft white dress of the afternoon or was it one like it? with no ornaments, no bridal veil.