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I could go 'ome and buy me a public-'ouse; but that wouldn't do neither. I'd not be 'appy; if you'll pardon my s'ying so, I've associated too long with gentlemen and gentlemen's gentlemen to feel at ease, so to speak, with the kind that 'angs round publics.

Once oi 'ad some pride and hambition; now oi 'angs round awaitin' for some one to saigh, "Ere, Billy, 'ave summat." Once Billy was a good fellow and 'ad plenty o' friends; now Slavin 'isself kicks un hout, 'ee does. Why? why? His voice rose to a shriek. 'Because when Billy 'ad money in 'is pocket, hevery man in this bloomin' camp as meets un at hevery corner says, "'Ello, Billy, wat'll ye 'ave?"

They put up at the 'Qveen's 'ead, so I 'angs about the 'Qveen's 'ead, offers myself as groom I'm 'andy vith an 'orse got in the 'abit o' doing odd jobs for Number Vun and Number Two, and, last night, Number Two gives me that theer letter to deliver, and werry pertickler 'e vas as I should give it into your werry own daddle, 'e also gives me a guinea and tells as 'ow 'e don't vant me no more, and them's the circumstances, sir."

Soon as we stop for a spell oh, he plops down on 'is belly and 'angs on for us to chuck 'im a bit of grub. Might be a man by the ways of 'im, 'stead of a dog. Now I don't 'old with spoilin' dogs." "Pass da beer," requested the Signor. Bill looked up with concern, for Trotter was filling his pipe; the meal was at an end. "Yus, yer can look," snarled Trotter. "You'll wait, you will."

I heard of her through Sal you know Sal, who 'angs out at the vest end o' Potter's Lane. I expect to see Sal in 'alf an hour, so if you're comin' back this way, I'll be at the Black Bull by two o'clock, and tell you all I can pump out of 'er." "I'll be there sharp," said Robin promptly; "an now pull up, for I must take to my legs here."

"Campo de Bagumbayan" was what the natives called that martial flat in the strange barbaric tongue that delights in "igs" and "ags," in "ings" and "angs," even to repetition and repletion.

'E belongs to the crowd that 'angs about at the back, and does the shouting. But there was another of 'em, a young fellow as I feels sorry for, with a wife and three small children, who 'asn't 'ad much luck for the last six months; and that through no fault of 'is own, I should say, from the look of 'im. 'I was a fool, says 'e, 'when I chucked a good situation and went out to the war.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked him, stroking his hair with extraordinary gentleness. "A fair treat," said he. "Was your bed comfortable?" "Ain't it soft, neither," he answered. "I don't know as ever I felt of anythink quite as soft without it was the geese as 'angs up along the Broadway Christmas-time."

"Oh dear, yes, altogether so. We've got rid of old Rusty as I used to call him. He wouldn't go the pace, and so we stripped him. He's doing the West of England Art Journal now, and he 'angs out down at Bristol." "I hope he'll succeed, Mr. Slide." "He'll earn his wages. He's a man who will always earn his wages, but nothing more. Well, now, Mr.

"O, Roby? ah," returned the small boy, looking sedately at the ground, "let me see yes, that's the name of the old 'ooman, I think, wot 'angs out in the cabin, right-'and stair, top floor, end of the passage, w'ere most wisiters flattens their noses, by consekince of there bein' no light, and a step close to the door which inwariably trips 'em up.