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"Give me your knife, then." "I won't. It's my own." "The errand on which you come is my warrant for demanding it." "I won't give you the knife, but I'll go back," said O'Reilly. "That won't do." "Don't you go too far, Dick Dewey. I'm your aiqual." "No man is my equal who creeps to my tent at the dead of night. Do you know what the camp will think, O'Eeilly?" "And what will they think?"

"Not at all," laughed Elleney, blushing, but quite frank and unconcerned; "I wouldn't ask to be thought aiqual to anything so grand as that. A daisy maybe, or " "Elleney!" called a shrill voice from some distant region. "Elleney! We are all famished entirely. Girl alive, do ye forget it's your week for the breakfast? I never heard the like! We've been waitin' this half-hour."

Well, I suppose you won't be addin' to their risks by puttin' up much of a dinner for them to-day, Mrs. Brown." He grinned wickedly. "You go on, imperence!" said the lady. Murty, that turkey weighed five-and-thirty pound!" "Sure he looked every ounce of it," said Murty. "I niver see his aiqual he was a regular Clydesdale of a bird!" "I rose him from the aig meself," said Mrs.

"Kettle's boilin' I'll have it made in a jiffy. No, Murty, you will not sit on that table. Pounds of bath-brick 'ave gone into me tables this last week." "Ye have them always that white I do not see how ye'd want them to be whiter," remarked Murty, gazing round him. "But I niver see anything to aiqual the shine ye have on them tins an' copper.

'And noo 'at I hae telt ye, he added, 'it luiks a' sae strange 'at maybe I hae been but dreamin, efter a'! But it maun be true, for that maun hae been what the angels cam cryin upo' me for. I'm thinkin they wud hae broucht me straucht til her themsels they maistly gang aboot in twas, as whan they gaed and waukent the bonny man gien it hadna been 'at the guid collie was aiqual to that!

Sure, didn't I find that they wos chargin' tshoo dollars aiqual to eight shillin's, I'm towld for carryin' a box or portmanter the length o' me fut; so I turns porter all at wance, an' faix I made six dollars in less nor an hour.

"Why, indeed, as for the matther o' that," said Barny, "they're all aiqual to me a'most." "All?" said the American. "Why, I calculate you couldn't pilot a ship into all the ports of Ireland." "Not all at wanst," said Barny, with a laugh, in which the American could not help joining. "Well, I say, what ports do you know best?"

"'The Lord be good to me! says Tom, 'if it isn't spakin' she is! "'Tom Connor, says she again. "'Yes, ma'am, says Tom. "'Come here, says she; 'whisper I want to talk to you, Tom, says she, 'the laste taste in private, says she rising on her hams, and beckoning him with her paw out o' the door, with a wink and a toss o' the head aiqual to a milliner.

I was afther tellin' her the 'Story of the Spider an' the Gout, ye know." "Did she now?" cried Mrs. Clancy, sinking down on the stool which Roseen had vacated and clapping her hands together. "Well now, that bates all! But she's the 'cutest little thing I never seen her aiqual." "'I wisht, quoted Dan meditatively, 'a Gout 'ud get into me gran'father's big toe an' stay there, says she.

'Whist, you natural! says the cat that was making the speech, 'what do you think we care for your Owney, or Owney-na-peak? 'Murther, murther! thinks Owney to himself, 'did anybody ever hear the aiqual of this? 'Well, gentlemen, says the cat again, 'what I have to say is this. The king was last week struck with blindness, and you all know well, how and by what means any blindness may be cured.