United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The pore Committee, as has to see to hewerythink, begins for to look jest a little pail and worryed and who can wunder at it, for I'm told as they is amost torn to peaces with applications for Tickets, tho they ony has two a-peace for their friends, and won't have one for theirselves, but will have to walk about all the time of the Lunch, with their long sticks of office, to see as ewerybody xcept theirselves is nice and cumferal, and got plenty to eat and drink.

They proscrib'd him in Print for Crimes they could never prove, they branded him with Forgery, Adultery, Drunkenness, Swearing, breaking Jayl, and abundance of Crimes; but when Matters were examin'd and things came to the Test, they could never prove the least thing upon him. In this manner however they continually worryed the poor Man, till they ruin'd his Family and reduc'd him to Beggary; and tho' he came out of the Prison they cast him into by the meer force of Innocence, yet they never left persuing him with all sorts of violence.

Canst thou see mee Thus worryed amongst hangmen? deare Henrico, For heavens sake, for thine owne sake pitty mee. Hen. Cunning, cunning, cunning Traytour! In my eare he confesses all again and prayes me To speake to you. Mac. Will you openly confesse? Man. No, no, I cannot. Caytiffe, I spake not soe: I must not wound my Conscience to lay on it A guilt it knowes not.