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Updated: January 23, 2025
Coffee, Tête Noir, Michinass, and another whose name I forget, underwent repeated whalings at the hands of my driver, a half-breed from Edmonnton named Frazer. Early in the afternoon the head of Tête Noir was reduced to shapeless pulp from tremendous thrashings.
But, you see, I am not fair and square. I am as stubborn as a mule." "The best thing about a mule is that he takes his whalings without complaining." She sighed. "I often wonder what a mule thinks about when he stands there without budging while some angry, infuriated man beats him until his arm gets tired." "That's very simple. He just goes on thinking what a fool the man is for licking a mule."
But he's generous, too. If you had explained " "I reckon you're right. He sure is generous, even in the whalings he gives. But don't worry about me. I'm all right, and much obliged for your kindness in asking." Steve found his cigar and retired. He carried with him in memory a picture of a troubled young creature with soft, tender eyes gleaming starlike from beneath waves of dark hair.
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