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If in a day or two the inflammation still continue violent, let another Tela Vesicatoria be applied, not over the old blister, but let a narrow strip of it be applied on each side of the old blister, and managed in the same manner as before directed. I cannot speak too highly of Smith's Tela Vesicatoria. It has, in my hands, through God's blessing, saved the lives of scores of children.

And if, on the following day, the breathing and the wheezing be not relieved in addition to the Ipecacuanha Mixture, apply a Tola Vesicatoria, as advised under the head of Inflammation of the Lungs. When the child is convalescing, batter puddings, rice, and sago puddings, in addition to the milk, bread and butter, &c, should be given, and, a few days later, chicken, mutton chops, &c.

Let a tea-spoonful of the mixture be taken every four hours. If in a day or two he be no better, but worse, by all means continue the mixture, whether it produce sickness or otherwise, and put on the chest a Tela Vesicatoria, a quarter of a sheet. The Ipecacuanha Wine and the Tela Vesicatoria are my sheet anchors in the bronchitis, both of infants and of children.

In olden times many, many years ago I myself gave it in inflammation of the lungs, and lost many children! Since leaving it off, the recoveries of patients by the Ipecacuanha treatment, combined with the external application of Smith's Tela Vesicatoria, have been in many cases marvellous. Avoid broths and wine, and all stimulants.

My sheet anchors, then, in the inflammation of the lungs of children are, Ipecacuanha Wine and Smith's Tela Vesicatoria. Let the greatest care, as I before advised, be observed in obtaining the Ipecacuanha Wine genuine and good.