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Examples of exophthalmos, or protrusion of the eye from the orbit from bizarre causes, are of particular interest. Among the older writers we find Ficker and the Ephemerides giving instances of exophthalmos from vomiting. Fabricius Hildanus mentions a similar instance. Salmuth, Verduc, and others mention extrusion of the eyeball from the socket, due to excessive coughing.

Brendelius tells us of hemorrhage from the mouth and nose of the fetus occasioned by the fall of the mother; Buchner mentions a case of fracture of the cranium from fright of the mother; Reuther describes a contusion of the os sacrum and abdomen in the mother from a fall, with fracture of the arm and leg of the fetus from the same cause; Sachse speaks of a fractured tibia in a fetus, caused by a fall of the mother; Slevogt relates an instance of rupture of the abdomen of a fetus by a fall of the mother; the Ephemerides contains accounts of injuries to the fetus of this nature, and among others mentions a stake as having been thrust into a fetus in utero; Verduc offers several examples, one a dislocation of the fetal foot from a maternal fall; Plocquet gives an instance of fractured femur; Walther describes a case of dislocation of the vertebrae from a fall; and there is also a case of a fractured fetal vertebra from a maternal fall.

Sennert writes of menstruation from the groin associated with hemorrhage from the umbilicus and gums. Moses offers an example of hemorrhage from the umbilicus, doubtless vicarious. Verduc details the history of two cases from the top of the head, and Kerokring cites three similar instances, one of which was associated with hemorrhage from the hand.

Frere Come performed a high operation on a patient who died the next day after the removal of a 24-ounce calculus. Verduc mentions a calculus weighing three pounds three ounces. It was said that a vesical calculus was seen in a dead boy at St. Edmund's which was as large as the head of a new-born child.