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Updated: January 11, 2025
'An' when I come aht, she went on, ''oo should I see just passin' the 'orspital but this 'ere cove, an' 'e says to me, "Wot cheer," says 'e, "I'm goin' ter Vaux'all, come an' walk a bit of the wy with us." "Arright," says I, "I don't mind if I do." One man winked, and another said: 'Go it, Liza! She fired up with the dignity of outraged innocence.
But that was summat to do, an' didn't think o' dyin'. Now I'm sick to go 'Ome go 'Ome go 'Ome! No, I ain't mammy-sick, because my uncle brung me up, but I'm sick for London again; sick for the sounds of 'er, an' the sights of 'er, and the stinks of 'er; orange peel and hasphalte an' gas comin' in over Vaux'all Bridge.
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