United States or South Africa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The variety of stock-elements and tongues, to be resolutely fused in a common identity and union at all hazards the idea, perennial through the ages, that they both have their historic and divine mission the fervent element of manly friendship throughout the whole people, surpass'd by no other races the grand expanse of territorial limits and boundaries the unform'd and nebulous state of many things, not yet permanently settled, but agreed on all hands to be the preparations of an infinitely greater future the fact that both Peoples have their independent and leading positions to hold, keep, and if necessary, fight for, against the rest of the world the deathless aspirations at the inmost centre of each great community, so vehement, so mysterious, so abysmic are certainly features you Russians and we Americans possess in common.

But immensest results, not only in politics, but in literature, poems, and sociology, are doubtless waiting yet unform'd in the future. How long they will wait I cannot tell.

In the West, California, &c., "society" is yet unform'd, puerile, seemingly unconscious of anything above a driving business, or to liberally spend the money made by it, in the usual rounds and shows.