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Updated: January 22, 2025
The "AZ's" lost two more bunches of cattle within a week. Then came a raid on the "U U's." Sandy McIntosh cursed the rustlers in the broadest Scotch, and set out to scour the country with his boys. Another ranch to suffer was the "crook-bar," but they, like the "TT's," couldn't tell the extent of their losses definitely, and estimated them at close on to thirty head of three-year-old beeves.
"By newspaper puffs, and newspaper reports, by patent medicines, and portable dressing-cases, wine-merchant's bottles, ne-plus-ultra corkscrews, H -t's corn, C -tt's maize, W -'s blacking, and W -'s champagne "Appear! "By thy professional followers, the fashionable tailors, hairdressers, boot-makers, milliners, jewellers all the auctioneers, and all the bazaars "Come to my aid!
Behold, sir, the villain counterfeited well; the W is exact, even in the small hair-stroke the tt's are crossed at the same distance, and the ll's are of the height of mine: a most villanous, but most excellent counterfeit!" "Which?" inquired the Protector: "which mean ye is the counterfeit the writing or the writer? Without there! Call in Robin Hays.
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