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And thcre he mounted the very log where first he had drummed and rolled his loud tattoo again and again, till a small boy who had taken a short cut to the mill through the woods, ran home, badly scared, to tell his mother he was sure the Indians were on the war-path, for he heard their war-drums beating in the glen. Why does a happy boy holla? Why does a lonesome youth sigh?

The only other occasion on which Bingo acted as cowherd was in the autumn of the same year at the annual Carberry Fair, Among the dazzling inducements to enter one's stock thcre was, in addition to a prospect of glory, a cash prize of 'two dollars' for the 'best collie in training'.

The under side of the lower wings has a dark brown band at the base, widest close to the attachment of the wing and narrowing to a large ocellus which it surrounds in the form of a narrow brown ring; the black ocellus has a very small white pupil with a slight bluish crescent on the inside, and is surrounded by a fulvous ring; thcre is a second black ocellus nearer the hind edge than the middle, with a small white pupil and a wideish fulvous ring, separated from the white of the wing by a narrow brown ring; head, antennae, legs, and thorax in front brown; palpi fulvous.