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"There is a maid in Mandakan," interrupted Tanga-Dahit, "and these two years she has lain upon her bed, and she may not be moved, for the bones of her body are as the soft stems of the lily, but her face is a perfect face, and her tongue has the wisdom of God." "You ride to her through the teeth of danger?" "She may not come to me, and I must go to her," answered the hillsman.

Then, taking his own six hundred men and five hundred of the Dakoon's horsemen, he bade the gates to be opened, and with Cushnan Di marched out upon the town, leaving Tanga-Dahit and Cumner's Son in command at the Palace. At least four thousand besiegers lay before the walls, and, far beyond, they could see the attack upon the Residency.

"There is a maid in Mandakan," interrupted Tanga-Dahit, "and these two years she has lain upon her bed, and she may not be moved, for the bones of her body are as the soft stems of the lily, but her face is a perfect face, and her tongue has the wisdom of God." "You ride to her through the teeth of danger?" "She may not come to me, and I must go to her," answered the hillsman.

Then, taking his own six hundred men and five hundred of the Dakoon's horsemen, he bade the gates to be opened, and with Cushnan Di marched out upon the town, leaving Tanga-Dahit and Cumner's Son in command at the Palace. At least four thousand besiegers lay before the walls, and, far beyond, they could see the attack upon the Residency.