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All the haste we made was on the streets, and when we finished our course at the Fior d'Italia we whirled away over toward North Beach to the Gianduja, where had been prepared especially for us tagliarini with chicken livers and mushrooms, and because of its success we had a bottle of Lacrima Christi Spumanti, the enjoyment of which delayed us.

This called for an investigation of the larder in which all joined with the following result: Item two cans of reed birds from China, each containing twelve of the little birds as large as your thumb. Item one egg. Other items one onion, two slices of dry bread, one green pepper, rather small, one dozen crackers. Item one case of imported Italian Vin d'Oro Spumanti.

Here the famed Lacrima Christi, both spumanti and fresco, said to be the finest wine made in all Italy, and the spumanti have the unusual quality for an Italian wine of being dry.

Italian wines are mostly red, the most noted in California being Chianti, and its California prototype. Tipo Chianti, made by the Asti Colony. Lacrima Christi Spumanti: The finest Italian champagne. Dry and of magnificent bouquet. Vin d'Oro Spumanti: A high-class champagne. Sweet and of fine bouquet and flavor. Lacrima Christi: A still wine of excellent flavor and bouquet.