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No words can express the excitement which this rough minstrelsy marred as it is by our poor translation from the Romance-tongue in which it was chanted produced amongst the Norman guests; less perhaps, indeed, the song itself, than the recognition of the minstrel; and as he closed, from more than a hundred voices came the loud murmur, only subdued from a shout by the royal presence, "Taillefer, our Norman Taillefer!"

No words can express the excitement which this rough minstrelsy marred as it is by our poor translation from the Romance-tongue in which it was chanted produced amongst the Norman guests; less perhaps, indeed, the song itself, than the recognition of the minstrel; and as he closed, from more than a hundred voices came the loud murmur, only subdued from a shout by the royal presence, "Taillefer, our Norman Taillefer!"

Therewith, the Duke approached courteously, and, doffing the cap he had hitherto retained, he greeted the old hero with those compliments which the Norman had already learned in the courts of the Frank. The stout Earl received them coldly, and replying in Danish to William's Romance-tongue, he said: "Pardon, Count of the Normans, if these old lips cling to their old words.

Therewith, the Duke approached courteously, and, doffing the cap he had hitherto retained, he greeted the old hero with those compliments which the Norman had already learned in the courts of the Frank. The stout Earl received them coldly, and replying in Danish to William's Romance-tongue, he said: "Pardon, Count of the Normans, if these old lips cling to their old words.