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It does not always give the unstable individual sufficient relaxation from the demands of adaptation and so pathological regressions take place, one of which we believe stupor to be. It is important to note that objectively the resemblance between sleep and stupor is striking.

Those silken excessively sweet periods, the moment of reconciliation and embrace of Wotan and Brunhilde, the "Ach, Isolde" passage in the third act of "Tristan," those innumerable lyrical flights with their beginnings and subsidings, their sudden advances and regressions, their passionate surges that finally and after all their exquisite hesitations mount and flare and unroll themselves in fullness they, too, seem to be seeking to distill some of the same brew, the same magic drugging potion, to conjure up out of the orchestral depths some Venusberg, some Klingsor's garden full of subtle scent and soft delight and eternal forgetfulness.

The stupor reaction, then, is a simple regression, with a limitation of energy, emotion and ideational content, the last being confined to notions of death. All functional psychoses are regressions. How do the others differ from this? We need only answer this question in so far as it concerns the clinical states resembling benign stupors. Stupors occur frequently in catatonic dementia præcox.

They are psychological regressions: the invention, considered for a time as adequate to reality, decays, returns to the imaginative phase whence it seems to have emerged, and remains pure imagination.

As a matter of fact, we see in psychoses, particularly in stupor, more sharply defined regressions to different levels than we ever see in normal life. Our psychological hypothesis would be incomplete and probably unsound if it could not offer as valid explanations for the atypical features in our stupor reactions as for the typical.