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The second axiom depending on perpendicularity, and the fourth axiom of congruence, is that if r and A be a rect and an event-particle in the same moment and AB and AC be a pair of rectangular rects intersecting r in B and C, and AD and AE be another pair of rectangular rects intersecting r in D and E, then either D or E lies in the segment BC and the other one of the two does not lie in this segment.

But the actual rect ρ which is a locus of event-particles is never traversed by the being. These event-particles are the instantaneous facts which pass with the instantaneous moment. What is really traversed are other event-particles which at succeeding instants occupy the same points of space α as those occupied by the event-particles of the rect ρ.

Accordingly an instantaneous plane in the instantaneous space of a moment will be called a 'level, an instantaneous straight line will be called a 'rect, and an instantaneous point will be called a 'punct. Thus a punct is the assemblage of abstractive elements which lie in each of four moments whose families have no special relations to each other.

The axiom asserts that the rect joining the two event-particles of intersection of the diagonals is parallel to the rect on which the bases lie. By the aid of this axiom it easily follows that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Congruence is extended in any space beyond parallel rects to all rects by two axioms depending on perpendicularity.

The first axiom of congruence is that the opposite sides of any parallelogram are congruent. This axiom enables us to compare the lengths of any two segments either respectively on parallel rects or on the same rect. Also it enables us to compare the lengths of any two segments either respectively on parallel point-tracks or on the same point-track.

Thus ρ is the instantaneous rect in M which occupies at the moment M the straight line r in the space of α. Accordingly when one sees instantaneously a moving being and its path ahead of it, what one really sees is the being at some event-particle A lying in the rect ρ which is the apparent path on the assumption of uniform motion.