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Then there were cracklings of communicators, and orders flittered through emptiness in scrambled and re-scrambled broadcasts of gibberish which came out as lucid commands in the control-rooms of the ships. Then, first, the point, then the advanced flankers, and then the main fleet, line by line and rank by rank every ship drove on outward under top-speed solar-system drive.

Which, of course, implied that the Invaders whoever or whatever they might be considered Coburn a useful tool for whatever purpose they intended. This was before the conference officially began. It took time to arrange. There were radio technicians with microphones. The consultation duly scrambled and re-scrambled would be relayed to Washington while it was on. It was a top level conference.

But it could not have put up even the beginning of a fight, had these spy-installed devices remained undiscovered. Bors said carefully, by scrambled and re-scrambled communicator, "Majesty, I'm beginning to be less than despairing. If they expect our ships either to have been destroyed aground, or to be made helpless the instant combat begins, we may give them a shock.

In carefully scrambled and re-scrambled communications, certain ships were authorized to modify the settings of Mark 13 missiles in this exact fashion, to remove their warheads, and to diverge in pairs from the fleet proper. They were to familiarize themselves with the results of making the acceleration of such missiles variable during flight.