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But it is a curious instance of the permanence of habits at Venice, that though at Quadri's the articles supplied are quite as good, and the prices exactly the same, the fashionable world never deserts Florian's.

Uncomforted in soul we rise from the expensive banquet; and how often rise from it unfed! Far other be the doom of my own friends of pious bards and genial companions, lovers of natural and lovely things! Nor for these do I desire a seat at Florian's marble tables, or a perch in Quadri's window, though the former supply dainty food, and the latter command a bird's-eye view of the Piazza.

Uncomforted in soul we rise from the expensive banquet; and how often rise from it unfed! Far other be the doom of my own friends of pious bards and genial companions, lovers of natural and lovely things! Nor for these do I desire a seat at Florian's marble tables, or a perch in Quadri's window, though the former supply dainty food, and the latter command a bird's-eye view of the Piazza.

The only difference between the two establishments, except this one of their customers, that is perceptible to the naked eye, is that at Quadri's beer is served, while Florian ignores the existence of that plebeian beverage, which assuredly was never heard of in Venice in the days when he began his career and formed his habitudes.

The other less celebrated caffès do the same thing. One immediately opposite to Florian's, on the other side of the piazza Quadri's has almost as large a spread of chairs and tables as Florian himself.