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Updated: September 14, 2024
Then the wave TG, after having passed through the glass, must form the wave QD; and for this I observe that the time taken by the light along GD in the glass must be equal to that taken along the three, TA, AB, and BQ, of which AB alone is within the glass.
In the demonstration it is to be observed that, since the arc BC falls within the glass, there must be conceived an arc RX, concentric with it and on the other side of QD. Then after it shall have been shown that the piece G of the wave GT arrives at D at the same time that the piece T arrives at Q, which is easily deduced from the construction, it will be evident as a consequence that the partial wave generated at the point D will touch the arc RX at the moment when the piece Q shall have come to R, and that thus this arc will at the same moment be the termination of the movement that comes from the wave TG; whence all the rest may be concluded.
But when she looked behinde her and saw him bring the doore upon his back, 'Why, thou foolish knave, qd she, 'what wilt thou do with the door? 'Marry, mistresse, qd he, 'you bad me pull the doore after me. 'Why, fool, qd she, 'I did command thee that thou shouldest make fast the doore after thee, and not bring it upon thy back after me. But after this there was much good sport and laughing at his simplicity and foolishnesse therein."
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