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All the way riding from the station back to the ranch, he kept pulling that decree out of his pocket and laying his finger on the back of it and reading off to me the sum and substance of it. `Cus-to-dy of the child, Bud, says he. `Don't forget it cus-to-dy of the child. "But when we hits the ranch we finds our decree of court obviated, nolle prossed, and remanded for trial. Mrs.

But Taber is proved to have been at that time, and at the time of the robbery, in Boston. This is proved beyond question. It is so certain, that the Solicitor-General has nol prossed the indictment against him. There is an end, then, of all pretence of the adoption of a scheme of robbery at Alfred.

I presume there are some legal forms you would have to go through with; but those things can always be appealed and continued and nolle prossed, and all that, till there isn't anything of them, in the end. Of course, it would have been different if they could have got hold of you in the beginning.

All the way riding from the station back to the ranch, he kept pulling that decree out of his pocket and laying his finger on the back of it and reading off to me the sum and substance of it. 'Cus-to-dy of the child, Bud, says he. 'Don't forget it cus-to-dy of the child. "But when we hits the ranch we finds our decree of court obviated, nolle prossed, and remanded for trial. Mrs.

"Here's where I get my case nol prossed," I found myself whispering. In all probability that sealed document I had sent in the day before announced me as a physical wreck. " and told me," continued "Eddie" in his sad, regretful tone, "to tell you we will take you on the force as a first-class policeman.

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