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The Helicrysum, a biennial of the Vasse district, is a grateful fodder for horses, and the Morna nitida for goats, sheep, and cattle, as are also several species of Picris and other shrubs.

Portulaca hortensis, garden Purilain, at 9 10, and at 11 12. Dianthus prolifer, proliferous Pink, at 8 and at 1. Cichoreum, Succory, at 4 5. Hypochiaeris, at 6 7, and at 4 5. Crepis at 4 5, and at 10 II. Picris, at 4 5, and at 12. Calendula field, at 9, and at 3. Calendula African, at 7, and at 3 4.

The whole of this plant has a nice smell, and when stewed or broiled has a pleasant flavour. It is to be found as the one above, and is fit for use in October. ORPINE. Sedum telephium. The leaves are eaten in salads, and are considered equal to purslane. OX-TONGUE, COMMON. Picris Echioides. The leaves are said to be good boiled. PEAS, EARTH-NUT. Orobus tuberosus.

"All these appearances were more easily seen in a leaf of Picris treated in the same manner; for in this milky plant the stems and middle rib of the leaves are sometimes naturally colored reddish, and hence the color of the madder seemed to pass farther into the ramifications of their leaf-arteries, and was there beautifully visible with the returning branches of milky veins on each side."

From these experiments," he says, "the upper surface of the leaf appeared to be the immediate organ of respiration, because the colored fluid was carried to the extremities of the leaf by vessels most conspicuous on the upper surface, and there changed into a milky fluid, which is the blood of the plant, and then returned by concomitant veins on the under surface, which were seen to ooze when divided with scissors, and which, in Picris, particularly, render the under surface of the leaves greatly whiter than the upper one."