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Then, by twos and threes, small trout strayed in, and found the new region a good place to inhabit. When, in the following spring, the fishermen came back to the Clearwater, they reported the pool swarming with pan-fish, hardly big enough to make it worth while throwing a fly.

These and other thin fish for broiling should be split down the back before cooking. In serving, divide through the middle lengthwise, and then divide each half into such portions as may be desired. Be careful not to break or crumble them. Smelts, Perch, and other small pan-fish are served whole.

No man has ever seen him, but my predecessor, the 'Admiral, and myself." "Bah!" ejaculated the captain, "they are as plenty as soft clams, in the Mediterranean, and the Egyptians use them as a pan-fish. In the East, they catch them to bait with, for hallibut, and other middling sized creatures, that are particular about their diet. It is a good fish, I own, as is seen in this very circumstance."

If they are egged and crumbed, the egg will form a covering, hardening at once, and absolutely impervious to fat. Pan-fish, as they are called, flounders and small fish generally, can also be fried by rolling in Indian meal or flour, and browning in the fat of salt pork. Baking and broiling preserve the flavor most thoroughly.