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I forget the officer's rank, he was probably a major but it was an informal affair, one-on-one. I suppose that my answers to his semi-technical questions were satisfactory and eventually he asked, "Have you ever thought of a commission?" Now in this world there are leaders and there are followers and in matters concerning the life or death of others I come in the second category. "No, Sir."

Despite the intensity of the recruitment drive, Atmananda found time to assist certain seekers on a one-on-one basis. Mandy, in particular, must have exhibited potential because he often spent nights at her condo. I figured it was okay for Atmananda to sleep with Mandy, though it was not okay for me to appreciate her beauty.

Unless, of course, the Ranger added grimly to himself, you happened to be one of the pilots. Tarlac also found out how the fighters maintained their individual combat proficency at maximum. There was a constant series of one-on-one challenge matches that were as much entertainment as training for the crew.

By that time the Traiti was going for Tarlac, claws raking air toward the man's face. Trained reflexes had taken over then. Rangers might not be experts in one-on-one combat, but they could make a creditable showing; Tarlac had done a tuck-and-roll, bringing his blaster out to save his own life by a fraction of a second as he fired pointblank, killing the Traiti.