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"This will not be unsatisfactory news to Owen Massey," observed Gerald to Norman Foley. "It is my belief that he is the last of the O'Harralls, and Owen will have a good chance of recovering the property of which they so unjustly deprived his family."

"The O'Harralls were ever a lawless race," continued Mrs Massey; "they were leaders among the Rapparees in Cromwell's and James's times, and lived by robbing their countrymen and neighbours, till William of Orange established a firm government. They then exercised their cunning by means of the law, and, supported by the Evil One, their frauds were successful.

As he had spared their lives, he might behave generously towards them and Norah, but of this they had but slight hopes. It flashed across Captain O'Brien's mind that he was one of the O'Harralls, whom he had saved, when a boy, from drowning, while serving on board a ship he had commanded, he having jumped overboard in a heavy sea, and supported the lad till a boat came to their assistance.

"You acted rightly, my son," she said at length. "The O'Harralls have been our bitter enemies, but our holy religion teaches us that we should not only forgive our foes, but do good to those who most cruelly ill-treat and abuse us; whatever man may say, God will approve of your act, for he knows the motive which prompted you." "News, Norah!