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Amongst our most interesting helpers, and most trustworthy, were two aged chiefs Nowa and Nouka in many respects two of Nature's noblest gentlemen, kind at heart to all, and distinguished by a certain native dignity of bearing. But they were both under the leadership of the war-chief Miaki, a kind of devil-king over many villages and tribes.

Both the Yugoslav and the Polish press greeted this declaration with undisguised joy and sympathy. The Glos Naroda welcomed the Czech declaration, and added: "Those who to-day are asking for an independent national existence do not claim anything but the minimum of their rights. The Nowa Reforma also said that the Czechs were quite right to ask for full independence.

We saw the handsome town and fortress Nowa Russiska, which contains some very pretty private houses, hospitals, barracks, and a fine church. The town and fortress lie upon a hill, and were founded only ten years since. In the evening, we reached Anapka, which place was taken by the Turks in 1829.

The Parisian organ of the Polish refugees, Nowa Polska, "New Poland," occasionally indulged in anti-Semitic sallies, calling forth a passionate rebuttal from Hernish, an exiled journalist, who reminded his fellow-journalists that it was mean to hunt down people who were the "slaves of slaves."