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It helps digest fatty matters by its emulsive powers; it has been more recently supposed to form a sort of peptone with nitrogenized articles also; but, what is more to our purpose, it turns starch into sugar even more quickly than the saliva itself.

The last group consists also of nitrogenized substances, which resemble gelatine in many of their characteristics. The first two groups are called non-azotized, as they contain no nitrogen; the last two, azotized, containing nitrogen.

Such are Mycoderma aceti, which converts the alcohol of fermented beverages into vinegar; Micrococcus ureae, which converts the urea of urine into carbonate of ammonia, and Micrococcus nitrificans, which converts nitrogenized matters into intrates, etc.

On the contrary, where the principal object is the production of milk rich in curd that is, where cheese is the object of the farmer clover, peas, bran-meal, and other plants which abound in legumine a nitrogenized organic compound, almost identical in properties and composition with caseine, or the substance which forms the curd of milk will be selected.