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"Nabucodonosor" was the piece to be given in the new open-air theatre outside the city walls, whither we walked under the starlight.

From the time of Nabucodonosor to the period of the Crusades, and from the days of the Crusades to those of Napoleon, armies of men from all nations have assembled here to fight for their real or imaginary rights, or for the glory of conquest.

Verdi's next work, a comic opera known alternatively as 'Un Giorno di Regno' and 'Il Finto Stanislao' was a failure. 'Nabucodonosor' and 'I Lombardi' established his reputation in his own country and won favour abroad; but the opera which gave him European fame was 'Ernani' . The story is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's famous play.

Verdi's strenuous melodies, often allied to words in which the passionate patriotism of his countrymen contrived to read a political sentiment, struck like a trumpet-call upon the ears of men already ripe for revolt against the hated Austrian rule. Such strains as the famous 'O mia patria, si bella e perduta' in 'Nabucodonosor' proclaimed Verdi the Tyrtæus of awakened Italy.

"Nabucodonosor" was his first hit, and in the next year "I Lombardi" was even more successful partly owing to the revolutionary feeling which in no small degree was to help him to his future high position. Indeed, his name was a useful acrostic to the revolutionary party, who shouted "Viva Verdi," when they meant "Viva Vittorio Emanuele Re D' Italia."