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"Carried!" exclaimed the Indiarubber Man. "'Commander, 'e sez, spoke very 'andsome! I will now indite a brief note of invitation. Bring me pens, ink and paper. Apportez-moi l'encre de mon cousin, aussi du poivre, du moutard et des legumes point

Every fall backward on the wooden bench gave me the most dreadful pain. The peasant kept repeating in his calm, monotonous voice: "There, there! All right all right, Moutard, all right!" But Moutard scarcely heard, and kept capering along like a goat. Our two dogs behind us, in the empty part of the hencoop, were standing up and sniffing the air of the plains, where they scented game.

Sadders sent gentle messages of greeting over the wires. He was still a little piqued at his failure to secure the piper of the K.O.S.B., who had been commandeered by the Staff. Sadders waited for him until early morning and then steered him to our lodge, but the piper was by then too tired to play. Here is our bill of fare: Sardins très Moutard. Potage. Dindon Rôti-Saucisses. Oise Rôti.

As the Encouragement Society rests upon the Jockey Club, so the Society of Steeple-chases finds its support in the Cercle of the Rue Royale, commonly called the Little Club or the Moutard. This club was reorganized after the war under the direction of the prince de Sagan, and has made great sacrifices to bring Auteuil into fashion.

No one is too stout, too old or too clumsy to go walking solemnly round, in or out of time to the music. I confess to a consciousness of absurdity when, to the exciting rhythm of Très Moutard, I back Mrs. Jones slowly down the room and up again. "Do you grapevine?" she inquires ardently.

Every fall backward on the wooden bench gave me the most dreadful pain. The peasant kept repeating in his calm, monotonous voice: "There, there! All right all right, Moutard, all right!" But Moutard scarcely heard, and kept capering along like a goat. Our two dogs behind us, in the empty part of the hencoop, were standing up and sniffing the air of the plains, where they scented game.