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About fifteen degrees southwest of the pole lies a remarkable square-cornered, mountain-bordered plain, about forty miles in length, called Barrow. Very close to the pole is a ring mountain, about twenty-five miles in diameter, whose two loftiest peaks, 8,000 to 9,000 feet high, according to Neison, must, from their situation, enjoy perpetual day.

From the beach the view of the mountain-bordered Lough extends for many miles seaward. On the opposite slopes to the right are the fresh green pastures and woods of Omeath, backed by the Carlingford mountains. How it got there is indeed a puzzle, as it stands on a bed of limestone nine hundred and fifty-seven feet above sea level.

It is above all in the wonderful Venetian landscape a mountain-bordered vale, along which flocks and herds are being driven, under a sky of the most intense blue that the master shows himself supreme.

But there is a sullen look about its current, that tells how wicked it can be, this Serchio, lashed into madness by winter storms, and the overflowing of the water-gates above, among the high Apennines at the Abbetone at San Marcello, or at windy, ice-bound Pracchia. How fair are thy banks, O mountain-bordered Serchio! How verdant with near wood and neighboring forest!