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"The blending of races seems to have been consummated already in one of the individuals at your party," said Yeovil drily; "the name Mentieth- Mendlesohnn struck me as a particularly happy obliteration of racial landmarks." Cicely laughed. "A noisy and very wearisome sort of woman," she commented; "she reminds one of garlic that's been planted by mistake in a conservatory.

Mentieth a long story of his perplexities with "those Bruces," and had also had lately a few domestic dissensions in his own parish, which did quarrel among itself occasionally, and always brought its quarrels to be settled by the minister. "It is a strange thing, Helen, my dear, what wonderful peace there often is in great misfortunes.

Mentieth, Mrs. Campbell, and her charge, a few rumors got abroad that the little earl was "no a'richt" if an earl could be "no a' richt" which the simple folk about Loch Beg and Loch Mhor, accustomed for generations to view the Earls of Cairnforth much as the Thibetians view their Dali Lama, thought hardly possible. But what was wrong with him nobody precisely knew.

Mentieth hardly knew how the thing was accomplished indeed, he had rather opposed it, believing the mere physical impediments to his ward's overlooking his own affairs were insurmountable; but Lord Cairnforth contrived in the course of a day or two to initiate himself very fairly in all the business attendant upon the "term;" to find out the exact extent and divisions of his property, and to whom it was feued.