Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 10, 2024
From the high quay too he could see down on to the middle decks, and there was the most shocking sight of all, for the boards and the mast-stumps and the bulwarks and the ship's furniture were all alike splashed with blood, some of the deeper pools not even yet dry. It was evident that the San Juan had not yielded easily.
"Is it a hit, do you think?" gasped Jack. "I think " began the naval officer. Boom! It came suddenly, sullenly. A column of spray shot up between the two mast-stumps of the derelict. The rising water reached a height of eighty or ninety feet, then came down again like a heavy rain. But the wreck itself? One of the mast-stumps tottered, then the other.
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