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Updated: September 1, 2024
When man was developed, no doubt one of his first ideas was to get hold of a really good serviceable stick not a little modern masher's crutch a strong weapon, capable of assisting him in jumping, protecting him from wild beasts, and knocking down his fellow-man.
The feebleness of the Masher's brain is only exceeded by the foulness of the Masher's tongue. I daresay this rumour about Lady Lesbia has its beginning and end among the Masher species. 'I hope so, but I have seen those two together I met them at Victoria one evening after Goodwood.
The Masher's answer was received the next day: "Sebastiani, a Corsican, was recommended to the Duc de Montmaur by the Marquis d'Albufex. He lives at two or three miles from the house, in a hunting-lodge built among the ruins of the feudal stronghold which was the cradle of the Montmaur family." "That's it," said Lupin to Clarisse Mergy, showing her the Masher's letter.
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