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Many desired to marry her for her possessions, and it was owing to their importunities that she fled to Jowai to the house of a lyngdoh or priest. Out of gratitude for this kindness, Ka Iaw-Iaw brought her wealth from beyond the Kopili to the lyngdoh's house, when the son of the lyngdoh was given her in marriage.

This female collects all the puja articles and places them ready to the lyngdoh's hand at the time of sacrifice. He merely acts as her deputy when sacrificing. The female soh-blei is without doubt a survival of the time when, under the matriarchate, the priestess was the agent for the performance of all religious ceremonies.

The lyngdoh and his clansmen advance along the road dancing, this dancing being carried on all the way from the lyngdoh's house to the Shillong Peak. All are clad in the distinctive Khasi dancing dress. Having reached the Peak, they pick the leaves of a tree called ka 'la phiah, which they spread on the ground. A goat and a cock are then sacrificed, the new lyngdoh acting as the sacrificer.

There are the usual accessories, including branches of the Khasi sning or oak. The lyngdoh and his companions then perform obeisance three times to the god, and the lyngdoh walks backwards some paces. The puja is then over, and they return dancing to the lyngdoh's house. On another day the lyngdoh performs a puja to u lei Lyngdoh, alias u Ramjah.