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Here will be found three small light-surrounded craters arranged in a triangle, with a somewhat larger crater in the middle. PURBACH. An immense enclosure of irregular shape, approximating to that of a rhomboid with slightly curved sides. It is fully 60 miles across, and the walls in places exceed 8000 feet in altitude, and include many depressions, large and small.

The shepherd however bit as my cry had admonished him; he bit with a strong bite! Far away did he spit the head of the serpent : and sprang up. No longer shepherd, no longer man a transfigured being, a light-surrounded being, that LAUGHED! Never on earth laughed a man as HE laughed!

The desire for self-direction has made a thousand philosophies as contradictory as the temperaments of the thinkers. A storehouse of illustration is at hand: Nietzsche advising the creative man to bite off the head of the serpent which is choking him and become "a transfigured being, a light-surrounded being, that laughed!"

The massive barrier between Alpetragius and Alphonsus deserves careful scrutiny, and should be examined under a moderately low morning sun. On the E., towards Lassell, stands a brilliant light-surrounded crater.

Knowing full well what a ghastly operation he is recommending, he nevertheless cries, "Bite! Bite! Its head off! Bite!" as the only possible solution of the difficulty. The young shepherd bites, and far away he spits the snake's head, whereupon he rises, "No longer shepherd, no longer man a transfigured being, a light-surrounded being, that LAUGHED! Never on earth laughed a man as he laughed!"