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Oh, that was almost as old as the story of Antony and Cleopatra. She had paid his debts and he had paid hers. Their purse had been in common. And the handsome maid of honour? Ah, poor silly soul! That was a horrid, ugly business, and his Majesty's part in it the horridest. And Mrs. Levington, the rich silk mercer's wife? That was a serious attachment.

As they went in he felt somehow as if high walls had crumbled and the three of them had stepped into the light of day. From The Masses Copyright, 1915, by The Masses. Copyright, 1916, by Will Levington Comfort. They said that the Russian line was a hundred miles long.

Edwin Markham in Hearst's Magazine: Will Levington Comfort, a novelist of distinction, has given us a book alive with human interest, with passionate sincerity, and with all the power of his despotism over words. He has been a wandering foot familiar with many strands; he has known shame and sorrow and striving; he has won to serene heights.

I associate it with "Chautonville" by Will Levington Comfort, and "The Flying Teuton" by Alice Brown, as one of the three stories with the most authentic spiritual message in American fiction that the war has produced. In this study of the spiritual reactions of a starved environment upon an imaginative mind, Mrs.