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Small field between "Old Works" and "Shop Leasows," I believe nearly as high as the upper part of the latter field. Trench 26 inches deep Trench 10 inches deep, and then came upon a causeway Trench 34 inches deep Trench 31 inches deep Field on the western side of the space enclosed within the old walls. Trench 28 inches deep, when undisturbed sand was reached

Its thickness, where there was no causeway, floor or walls beneath, was greater than has been elsewhere observed, namely, in many places above 2 ft., and in one spot above 3 ft. The mould was thickest on and close to the nearly level summit of the field called "Shop Leasows," and in a small adjoining field, which, as I believe, is of nearly the same height.

Trenches dug in a field called "Shop Leasows;" this is the highest field within the old walls, and slopes down from a sub-central point on all sides at about an angle of 2 degrees. Summit of field, trench 45 inches deep Close to summit of field, trench 36 inches deep Close to summit of field, trench 28 inches deep Near summit of field, trench 36 inches deep

Said Sahim, "Take with thee a thousand braves;" but Gharib replied, "I will not go forth but with thee and only thee." So the two brothers mounted and, seeking the dales and leasows, fared on from Wady to Wady and from meadow to meadow, till they came to a valley abounding in streams and sweet-smelling flowers and trees laden with all manner eatable fruits, two of each kind.