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The voice of Waddles reached them. He was announcing a half-day of rest, according to her orders. "It's kill-time for the rest of the day," he stated. "Make the most of it." For three weeks past, excepting for the trip to Brill's, the men had toiled incessantly, breakfasting before sunup and seeking their bunks long after dark. Some immediately turned to their bed rolls to make up lost sleep.

I went this morning to my Lord of Warwick; but he was gone to the king's, and hearing of the merry-makings here, I came hither for kill-time. A chance word of my Lord of Montagu whom Saint Dunstan confound! made me conceit that a feat of skill with the cloth-yard might not ill preface my letter to the great earl.

As the man walked toward his horse which had sidled a few steps away the big cook gazed after him and fingered the riot gun regretfully. The wagon did not move on when the men had finished working the herd as the rest of the day had been set aside for kill-time. An hour after Slade's departure the hands were rolling in for a sleep.

Come along with me, and I'll show you Life! So saying he linked arms, and pursuing our course at a proper kill-time sort of pace, we were at length brought up at the end of Vere Street, along which there was a regular rush of carriages, cutting away as if they were going to a fire instead of to a finery shop.

I went this morning to my Lord of Warwick; but he was gone to the king's, and hearing of the merry-makings here, I came hither for kill-time. A chance word of my Lord of Montagu whom Saint Dunstan confound! made me conceit that a feat of skill with the cloth-yard might not ill preface my letter to the great earl.