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This magnanimous affair obtained the general great credit as a disciplinarian; but it is hinted that he was ever afterwards subject to bad dreams and fearful visitations in the night, when the grizzly spectrum of old Keldermeester would stand sentinel by his bedside, erect as a pump, his enormous queue strutting out like the handle.

On hearing the general orders, he discharged a tempest of veteran, soldier-like oaths, and dunder and blixums swore he would break any man's head who attempted to meddle with his tail queued it stiffer than ever, and whisked it about the garrison as fiercely as the tail of a crocodile. The eelskin queue of old Keldermeester became instantly an affair of the utmost importance.

Now so it happened, that among his officers was a sturdy veteran named Keldermeester, who had cherished, through a long life, a mop of hair not a little resembling the shag of a Newfoundland dog, terminating in a queue like the handle of a frying-pan, and queued so tightly to his head that his eyes and mouth generally stood ajar, and his eyebrows were drawn up to the top of his forehead.

He decreed, therefore, that old Keldermeester should be publicly shorn of his glories in presence of the whole garrison the old man as resolutely stood on the defensive-whereupon he was arrested and tried by a court-martial for mutiny, desertion, and all the other list of offences noticed in the articles of war, ending with a "videlicet, in wearing an eelskin queue, three feet long, contrary to orders."