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He submitted to be brought and taken; to be banged about in trains and omnibuses, to be fetched and carried like a parcel. He let me feel in the most touching manner that my presence was a comfort to him, while he recognized that his might be anything but a comfort to me. I know I had nothing to do with Jevons's melancholy.

I asked her if it didn't occur to her that some day she might want her boats? She said: No. It was just her boats that she was afraid of. She didn't really want them. She didn't want really to go back. Then she looked at me and said, "You know Jimmy wants to marry me." And then, "Did you know?" I said I was not in Jevons's confidence, but I had guessed as much. I said, "Do you want to marry him?"

He was trying for the best not for the great names so much as for the great achievements, and they were few. And there were one or two of them who rejected Jevons. And then you had to reckon with Mrs. Jevons's rejections. She was as fastidious in her way as he was in his; and besides, she guarded him, so that the circle around him was rather tight and small.

And as I walked with her through the same streets where nine years ago I had hunted for her and Jevons, it struck me as a strange, unsettling thing that I should be taking her out to look for Jevons and at the same time playing precisely Jevons's part in the adventure. She too must have been aware of this oddness for she stopped suddenly to say to me, "Do you remember when I ran away with Jimmy?