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I felt 'I'm the king o' the castle. That was thrown in my teeth as how I appeared to others. Well, now, I feel like a brock in a barrel or not so big as him. Just something small that's got into the wrong box by accident, and had the lid clapped to on it. I want room for my elbows, an' scope for my int'lect. I must get the sky over my head again, and the open roads under my feet.

He was reading political economy for the purpose of opening his mind, "extending the scope of one's int'lect," as he said himself, and she watched him as he frowned at the page or puckered up his lips with a characteristic doggedly questioning doubtfulness. Certainly no words were needed then to enable her to interpret his thought.

The author, who didn't sign his name, but was ev'dently a man of powerful int'lect, said that without understanding you can't sympathize; and he went on to show that without sympathy the whole world would come to a standstill." "Ah," said Mavis, "that's the sort of difficult reading that you like. It's too deep for me." "It's plain as the nose on one's face, come to think of it.

He said to himself, "I don't shirk my punishment. I'm going to take it. But fair's fair There's no occasion to make myself out worse than I really am. Norah has taken hold of me a great deal more by my int'lect than by the low animal kind of feelings that are the mark of the abject sinner.