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Pinus abies, spruce fir. Taxus baccata, yew. Nuphar luteum, yellow water-lily. Ceratophyllum demersum, hornwort. Potamogeton, pondweed. Prunus spinosus, common sloe. Menyanthes trifoliata, buckbean. Nymphaea alba, white water-lily. Alnus, alder. Quercus, oak. Betula, birch.

Any kind of water plants will do the kind of plants boys always call seaweed, even a thousand miles from the sea. In collecting the plants, choose small specimens and obtain roots and all. If you can find it, the best plant is fanwort. Other good kinds are hornwort, water starwort, tape grass, water poppy, milfoil, willow moss, and floating plants like duckweed.

A valley or river channel was cut through them, probably during the gradual upheaval of the country, and the hollow became afterwards the receptacle of the comparatively modern freshwater beds A, B, C, and D. They may well represent a silted up river-channel, which remained for a time in the state of a lake or mere, and in which the black peaty mass B accumulated by a very slow growth over the gravel of the river-bed A. In B we find remains of some of the same plants which were enumerated as common in the ancient lignite in 3 prime, such as the yellow water-lily and hornwort, together with some freshwater shells which occur in the same fluvio-marine series 3 prime.

Grass, milfoil, water crowfoot, hornwort, starwort, horsetail, and a dozen other delicate plants, form one tangled forest, denser than those of the Amazon, and more densely peopled likewise. To this list will soon be added our Transatlantic curse, Babingtonia diabolica, alias Anacharis alsin astrum.