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Hord's command was all on the west side of the mountain, entirely obscured from the sight of any of our troops who were in the town of Chatteraugus, so that nothing could be seen except the rebels who occupied the crest of the mountain. The movements of the enemy proved clearly that some advance was being made. "Gens.

On Hord's line, as he advanced, slight skirmishing was kept up, and at the base of the ridge a shot would be fired in the direction of where Papson was forming his line. Finally shots were heard on our extreme left, then more, then a piece of artillery, then a volley, then a battery opened, then commands were heard and the battle began. Sherwood was moving against the enemy's right flank.

Papson had encountered the enemy at Rocky Head, and failing to dislodge him, was ordered to the right in support of McFadden. Jones fell back to Sarco and made a stand. Hord's Corps assaulted him in front, Scovens on his right, Papson and McFadden on his left, McFadden gaining the high ridges overlooking the fort and opened a destructive artillery fire against it.

This was not very encouraging to our forces, but caused great joy in the rebel camp in our front, as our forces learned. The next day the enemy made a feeble attack on our right, but was handsomely repulsed by Gen. Hord's Corps.

Men who were in this battle say that the soldiers and officers were more like enraged tigers than men. No power could stay them when it came to their turn during the day to make an assault, the enemy having made the first one. "Two days after this brilliant victory they were ordered by Sherwood to their left to join the right of Hord's command.