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The fine dresses that once belonged to Saskia were seized: they even took her wedding-gown: and wanton women bid against the nobility for the possession of these things. Rembrandt was stripped of his sketches, and these were sold in bundles the very sweat of his brain for years. Then he was turned into the streets. But Hendrickje Stoffels still clung to him, his only friend.

His son Titus died when he was sixty-two, and the following year Rembrandt died, and was buried at a cost of thirteen florins. Our enthusiast did not find it easy to manipulate these facts, and he elected to slur over the Hendrickje episode; but he was able to interest the ladies of the Dorcas meeting by showing them some of Rembrandt's pictures.

One man utilized the frames which contained "Rembrandts" by putting other canvases right over in front of them. Rembrandt's son Titus tried his skill at art, but with indifferent success. He died while yet a youth. Then Hendrickje passed away, and Rembrandt was alone a battered derelict on the sea of life.

There is a quality about his portraits of father, mother, Saskia, Titus, and Hendrickje, yes! and of himself, that speaks to us as if we were intimates. It is a personal appeal. We find it in every presentment that Rembrandt gives us of another figure which constantly inspired his brush the figure of Christ.