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Van Campen Heilner wrote about a barracuda he caught on a bass rod, and he is not likely to forget it, nor will the reader of his story forget it. R. C. had another strike, hooked his fish, and brought it in readily. It was a bonita of about five pounds, the first one my brother had ever caught.

If fishermen will only study the use of light tackle they will soon appreciate a finer sport, more fun and gratification, and a saving of fish. Such expert and fine anglers as Crowninshield, Heilner, Cassiard, Lester, Conill, and others are all enthusiastic about light tackle and they preach the gospel of conservation.

"Richard Wainwright, "Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N., Senior Member. "S.P. Comly, "Lieutenant, U.S.N. "L.C. Heilner, "Lieutenant, U.S.N. "W.H. Schuetze, "Lieutenant, U.S.N. "A.C. Hodgson, "Lieutenant, U.S.N. "W.H. Allen, "Lieutenant, U.S.N. "Edward E. Capehart, "Lieutenant, U.S.N. "To the Commander-in-Chief."

It has become a resort for gentlemen anglers, and its sportsmen's club claims such experts and fine exponents of angling as Heilner, Lester, Cassiard, Crowninshield, Conill, the Schutts, and others, who can safely be trusted to advance the standard. Fishermen are like sheep they follow the boldest leaders. And no one wants to be despised by the elect.