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We were across the harbor in no time. "Stand by now stand by sheets," I sung out. Steady as statues they waited for the word, and when they got it "Har-r-d a-lee-e!" Whf-f the steam came out of them, and the busiest of all was Sam Leary, with the big turkey between his feet. As she came around I was afraid her anchor would take bottom and her way be checked.

"What is your name, my man?" he enquired. "Ma name is Malcolm McNish. 'A doot ye have na har-r-d it. But the name maitters little. It's the question 'A'm speerin' asking at ye." Here was no amateur in the business of Grievance Committees. His manner was that of a self-respecting man dealing with a fellow-man on terms of perfect equality.

"And you assume to speak for them?" "They appoint me to speak for them." "And their complaint is ?" "Their complaint is that he is no fit to be a foreman." "Ah, indeed! And you are here solely on their word " "No, not solely, but pairtly. A know by experience and A hae har-r-d the man, and he's no fit for his job, A'm tellin' you."

"Oh, blazes; it's har-r-d!" he exclaimed, pronouncing the adjective in a peculiar manner. Winterbourne had immediately perceived that he might have the honor of claiming him as a fellow countryman. "Take care you don't hurt your teeth," he said, paternally. "I haven't got any teeth to hurt. They have all come out. I have only got seven teeth.