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But no effort has yet been made to separate thoroughly the pistilloid half-races from the corresponding ever-sporting varieties. Some plants are recorded as being more liable to this peculiarity than others. Stamens are sometimes replaced by open carpels with naked ovules arising from their edges and even from their whole inner surfaces.

It yielded last summer as high a percentage as 65 of twisted individuals, many of them repeating the monstrosity on several branches. After some occasional observations Gypsophila paniculata seems to promise similar results. These and some others seem to belong to the same group as the valerian and to constitute only poor or so-called half-races. Next to the torsions come the fasciated stems.

Half-races and double-races are to be distinguished and isolated in all cases, and their hereditary qualities, the periodicity of the recurrence of the anomaly, the dependency on external circumstances and many other questions have to be answered.

Besides tricotylous, the syncotylous seedlings may be used in the same way. They are more rarely met with, and in most instances seem to belong only to the unpromising half-races. On the other hand I found a plant of Centranthus macrosiphon yielding as much as 55% of syncotylous children and thereby evidently betraying the nature of a rich or double race.

This difference often indicates what can be expected from further culture. Stray tricotyls point to poor species or half-races, while more frequent deviations suggest rich or double-races. In both cases however, the trial must be made, and this requires the isolation of the aberrant individuals and the determination of their hereditary percentage.