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"I've 'eard from Lydy Elling by the post, sir," he remarked, "an' she's give h'orders to 'ave the 'ouse put in readiness. I doubt she'll be 'ere by Thursday or Friday next." "She spends most of her time abroad?" queried MacMaster; on the subject of Lady Treffinger James consistently maintained a very delicate reserve. "Well, you could 'ardly say she does that, sir.

Falkirk's breakfast was at an end before the factotum unburdened his mind. 'Beg pardon, sir, he said, drawing himself up behind his master; 'but 'ow are your h'orders concerning Miss 'Azel to be h'understood, sir? 'Orders? said Mr. Falkirk. 'You distinctly said and h'indicated, sir, that I was to drive Mis 'Azel to and from, sir, if my mind serves me, said Gotham.

'And if my mind serves me, you have driven her forty times. 'Quite correct, sir, and more, said Gotham. 'The point h'is, Mr. Falkirk, what's to be done when young gents come taking the h'orders h'out of my very 'ands, sir? 'Knock 'em down. 'The first natural h'impulse, sir.

They set out along a little, narrow, paved street, lined by ancient buildings or high walls. "They do say h'as 'ow the Princess Elizabeth, afterwards Queen, was h'imprisoned in that room, up there," stated the guide, pointing to a small window in a wall on their left. "By Queen Mary's h'orders she was brought in through the Traitor's Gate, there.