Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: February 19, 2025
They recall the time when they went fishing in the North Sea and had to be content to sell their catch at a shilling and sixpence a cran a cran being equal to four gurries, or about a thousand herrings. Who is there now who would sell even a hundred herrings for one and sixpence? Who is there who would sell a hundred herrings for ten and sixpence?
Everything is covered with their scales. The fishermen are spotted as if with confetti. Their hands, their brown coats, their boots are a mass of white-and-blue spots. The labourers with the gurries great blue boxes that are carried like Sedan-chairs between two pairs of handles come up alongside, and the fish are ladled into the gurries from tin pans.
The hour of eleven was ringing from the gurries or gongs at the different guard rooms, as Arthur Carlton left the quarters of the Brigadier commanding the station, for unlike most A.D.C.'s he did not reside with his chief, but occupied snug little quarters in the staff lines near the Suddur Bazaar.
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