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They pushed their way through the hole and found themselves in a clover field. The clover, slightly wet with dew, felt very refreshing to their hot little feet. "Isn't this 'licious?" said Diana. "Let's lie down on the g'een g'ass; let's s'eep here; I's awfu' s'eepy." "It's very near the circus," said Orion. "I'm rather frightened for fear Uncle Ben will find us."

After a few minutes' rest they began to run perhaps it were more correct to say waddle in the direction of "ze g'een cave." Now it chanced that the said cave was haunted at that time, not by torngaks or other ghosts, but by two men, one of whom at least was filled with an evil spirit.

"He says the' isn't 'oom the'!" she explained. "He wants to put it out at Golda's G'een." "But if it is to be this little simple chapel we proposed, then wasn't our idea to be central?" "But if the' isn't 'oem!" she said conclusively. "And isn't this isn't it rather a costly undertaking, rather more costly " "That doesn't matta. I'm making heaps and heaps of money.

It was supposed to be haunted, and was therefore visited only by the more daring and courageous among the children of the tribe. Tumbler and Pussi were unquestionably the most daring among these partly owing to native bravery in both, and partly to profound ignorance and inexperience of danger. "Let's go to ze g'een cave," suggested Tumbler. Pussi returned that most familiar of replies a nod.