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Indeed, Sir James Crichton-Browne, the great doctor, in his lecture on 'Sleep, argues that all things that grow at all grow in the night. Night is Nature's growing-time. Now Michael Fairless shared Richard Jefferies' fondness for mushrooms. Every reader of The Roadmender will recall the night in the woods.

It is the same indescribable feeling I get in reading that pathetically beautiful book, "The Road-Mender," by "Michael Fairless" the gleam of the White Gate is seen all along the Road, though the writer strives so bravely to keep it hidden till it must open to let him pass. One of the purest gems of Jefferies "Hours of Spring" has a pathos and haunting melody of compelling poignancy.

Within the cloister is a tablet commemorating the fact that it was partly built by Rev. E. C. Glyn and his wife in memory of his mother, who died in 1892. A little further on, immediately facing the south door, is another tablet, stating that the porch at the entrance to the cloister was erected by the widow of James Liddle Fairless in memory of her husband, who died in 1891.

If I take Lily for my heroine after all, I shall be following a noble precedent Michael Fairless, in The Roadmender, did something very much like it. 'In early spring, she says, 'I took a long tramp. Towards afternoon, tired and thirsty, I sought water at a little lonely cottage.